Eva Liliopoulou
Eva Liliopoulou

Email: evaliliopoulou@ichampions.gr
Phone: +30 697 938 9344


I am Eva Liliopoulou, the right hand of all our partners at our insurance office. A graduate of the Alexandria Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki in 2015, in the school of administration and economics with a specialization in trade and advertising - marketing, I combine my knowledge with my many years of experience in office management and customer support. Ensuring the smooth running of the office and serving our needs with excellent organizational skills and a considerate approach.

With a previous experience of many years, I am always available to help solve any problem and ensure that our partners work comfortably and efficiently. I have enriched my knowledge with educational seminars in the use of computers, Excel, etc., and I hold the Bank of Greece Insurance Intermediary Certificate A.

Είμαι εδώ για εσάς και ανυπομονώ να σας υποστηρίξω σε κάθε βήμα του δρόμου μας στον κόσμο των ασφαλίσεων.